Quarterly Report – July 2021

Having peaked in April, local OCC prices decreased in May and June. However, both OCC and mixed paper remained in demand. Mills had substantial raw material needs at the beginning of the second quarter but the situation stabilized somewhat in June. Mixed paper followed the OCC market during these same months.

The second quarter also witnessed a high demand for graphic material. Tissue mills increased their prices for raw material in their efforts to secure supplies. Demand for the higher grades of recovered paper has stabilized and prices have made a slight upward move.

Lack of transport capacity has been a problem in Scandinavia for a while and will remain so over the summer period. At the same time, there is ongoing uncertainty within the market owing to the pandemic, although generally stable market conditions are anticipated for the near future.


Martin Leander - Martin Leander (Scandinavia)

Martin Leander

Stena Recycling (SWE)

Quarterly Report – July 2021