Quarterly Report – May 2021

The COVID pandemic has affected the whole economy. Everything is becoming scarcer and more expensive, including wood, steel and also plastics. Almost all plastics processors are suffering shortages of material - an extreme situation that can also impact the supply of packaged foods.

The entire plastics industry is suffering from this imbalance between local production and raw materials and additives. In Germany, various plastics associations have suggested using more recyclates but regulations, technical hurdles or quality requirements prevent their use in numerous applications such as in the food sector.

Supplying a consistent quality and extreme price increases do not make usage any easier.

Plastics production in Germany is falling again, decreasing by a further 1.6% in 2020, with producers’ sales collapsing 8.7%. This downward trend is likely to continue in the near future.




Stephanie Kötter-Gribbe  - Stephanie Kötter-Gribbe  (Germany)

Stephanie Kötter-Gribbe

Best Plastic Management GmbH (DEU), Board Member of the BIR Plastics Committee

Quarterly Report – May 2021